Headshots by Breanna Taylor on June 13, 2024, are available here.
Save the date for our next Free Headshots event on Thursday, December 12 (6-8p) at TBD
Want to be notified when the headshots are available? Provide your name and email – JMatt of HashtagMKE will contact you when the photos are ready!
We’ve previously worked with the following companies/individuals to provide free headshots at our events:
- Breanna Taylor (contact: BTaylor@TeensGrowGreens.org)
- Jayce Hindman (contact: ICNCFilms@gmail.com)
- Natalie Sanchez Media (contact: NatalieSanchezMedia@gmail.com)
- Alternative Bride Photography (contact: AternativeBridePhotography@gmail.com)
- Media Bolt Productions (contact: Info@MediaBoltProductions.com)
- Andrew Feller Photography (contact: Hello@AndrewFeller.com)
- Martin Moore (contact: Martin.MooreJr@icloud.com)